That Zinking Feeling

Zinc deficiency is considered a global agricultural problem. From the most advanced even to the still developing countries all require a zinc correcting fertilizer to boost crop quality and yield. This micro-element impacts most, if not all crops, and can be especially beneficial to young fruit and nut trees.


What does a zinc deficiency look like?

Zinc is an essential co-factor in the production of an amino acid serine, which acts as an intermediate to tryptophan. Tryptophan in turn is a vital amino acid required to produce indole-3-acetic acid which is responsible for regulating the growth tempo in plants. Enzymes involved in carbohydrate production in trees also require zinc.


A deficiency will often appear in new growth as:

  • Stunted growth.
  • The yellowing of leaves also known as chlorosis.
  • Twig die back in trees.
  • Distorted leaves.
  • In nut trees, the nuts can be poorly filled and dull.


What causes zinc deficiency?

Specific types of soil are more prone to zinc deficiencies. Sandy, alkaline, saline and wetland soils, as well as increasingly weathered and leached tropical soils are found to be more prone to zinc deficiencies.


Do certain crops require more zinc than others?

Though many crops are cultivated, and sometimes successfully so, in zinc deficient soils, it is an unnecessary chance no producer needs to take. Pecan nuts, citrus, maize, wheat, soya, avocado trees and barley are some of the crops that have been found to respond well to the addition of zinc.


Soil testing and the Manvert Solution

When zinc deficiency symptoms occur, it is almost always too late to remedy. We therefore advise our clients to complete a soil analysis before a season starts, or before planting new orchards so that your Remitto consultant can have a complete picture of your zinc status and overall soil health. Remitto consultants are fully equipped to assist clients with taking the necessary soil samples depending on the required tests.


Manvert  Zn is specifically formulated to correct zinc deficiencies. The unique Lignovert Tech which is Manvert’s proprietary technology, allows for this treatment to be successfully applied as a foliar spray. The unique Lignovert Tech from Spain uses Lignosulphonic acid as a complexing agent to increase the availability of zinc to the tree as well as to enhance the uptake of the micronutrient. Due to the natural origins of this complexing agent (cellulose in wood), zinc is immediately released within the plant since the plant does not need to first break down the complexing agent, as is the case with most other complexing and/or chelating agents from chemical origin


Want to know more about Manvert Zn? For more information about Zn or any other Manvert products, please contact your nearest Remitto agent today. Remitto is a proud stockist of the Manvert range in South Africa.